BloodHound v2 brings some long awaited improvements,and sets the foundation for more to come.
Big "Quality of Life" Improvements
Not only does the interface look nice, but we also added important things like Undo, Copy & Paste, and so many other things that make BloodHound feel better to use.
Unified Output Rules
The output settings for the solvers are now all in the same window, with tons more flexibility and control. Especially the Threshold solver used to be very confusing, but now it's a delight to use.
Save Snippets for Later
Have a piece of logic that you use often? Now you can create a library of your own snippets. Save it and reuse it in any BloodHound file. You can even share your snippets with a friend. They're just files on your computer. Neat!
New Solver
Expansion Contraction solver analyzes whether Input A and Input B are expanding away from each other, contracting toward each other, or are moving parallel with each other. Using the Rules window, the Long & Short output conditions can be independently customized for multiple conditions.
Lots of other little niceties that you'll have to try for yourself.
It's the same old powerful BloodHound that you've come to know and love, but with a bit more polish. It still works great by itself, or as a key component of an automated trade system with BlackBird.